If you have read my introduction here, you’ll realise how I used the online course, which is called Rocket French. Now I must admit, when I decided I wanted to learn French, I wanted to do it as quick as possible, so I opted straight into buying a course, rather than learning how to speak French online for free.
This doesn’t of course mean you have to do the same but what I will say is this; I really don’t think I could have learned the language as quick as I did without Rocket French. This is mainly because Rocket French not only teaches you the words and phrases, it teaches you how to SPEAK the language. This is an absolute awesome feature because it allowed me to learn the correct grammar and pronunciation of the French language.
After all, there’s no point knowing all the words and phrases if you cannot actually speak them is there? No one will understand a word you’re saying!
I had heard of one course called Pimsleur but when I looked into it more closely, it was really expensive. When I say expensive it was like over $900 expensive! So I took the cheaper option and went for the online course instead.
OK, back to my Rocket French. Like I say, I wasn’t playing around I really wanted to learn French fast. So I bought the course and it gave me immediate access to the training area. So I download the guides and started to watch the video tutorials. I just couldn’t believe how quickly I started to speak French. Yes, I’m talking same day!
review of
I’ll never forget when my husband came home from work and I welcomed him in French! He didn’t understand a word of what I was saying! OK, I’m not saying for a minute here that I learned the language in a day, it took me quite a few weeks but it got me started and I started to learn the basic phrases very quickly.
So I started listening to the 31 audio tutorials, just one each day, for the next month. I would practice the phrases on my husband each day when he came home, I think it annoyed him at first but he soon got used to it! I was learning everything from basic introduction phrases to more advanced tutorials of learning the exact pronunciations of the words.
The illustrated grammar lessons helped me personally to, as sometimes I have to see something written down to be able to memorize it completely.
Oh and did I mention the French games that come with the course? These were so much fun and we all enjoyed playing them. You don’t actually realise you are learning French at the same time as playing them.
So, all in all I would recommend Rocket French to anyone who not only wants to learn French quickly but also very fluently too.
This doesn’t of course mean you have to do the same but what I will say is this; I really don’t think I could have learned the language as quick as I did without Rocket French. This is mainly because Rocket French not only teaches you the words and phrases, it teaches you how to SPEAK the language. This is an absolute awesome feature because it allowed me to learn the correct grammar and pronunciation of the French language.
After all, there’s no point knowing all the words and phrases if you cannot actually speak them is there? No one will understand a word you’re saying!
I had heard of one course called Pimsleur but when I looked into it more closely, it was really expensive. When I say expensive it was like over $900 expensive! So I took the cheaper option and went for the online course instead.
review of
I’ll never forget when my husband came home from work and I welcomed him in French! He didn’t understand a word of what I was saying! OK, I’m not saying for a minute here that I learned the language in a day, it took me quite a few weeks but it got me started and I started to learn the basic phrases very quickly.
So I started listening to the 31 audio tutorials, just one each day, for the next month. I would practice the phrases on my husband each day when he came home, I think it annoyed him at first but he soon got used to it! I was learning everything from basic introduction phrases to more advanced tutorials of learning the exact pronunciations of the words.
The illustrated grammar lessons helped me personally to, as sometimes I have to see something written down to be able to memorize it completely.
Oh and did I mention the French games that come with the course? These were so much fun and we all enjoyed playing them. You don’t actually realise you are learning French at the same time as playing them.
So, all in all I would recommend Rocket French to anyone who not only wants to learn French quickly but also very fluently too.