Improve Your French With These 7 Steps

As one of the most popular languages in the world, both as a conversational and business means of discourse, French is studied by a lot of people regardless of age; as an elective in most schools, and through private tutorial classes, or through self-studies, and while a large number of individuals who have only recently decided to take up or learn French tutorial start by doing self-studies or with the help of a computer tutorial program, there are times when outside help is very much needed. Here are some basic tips that will help people learn French faster and more efficiently:

  1. Choose one computer tutorial program that works best for you and stick with it. Using too many of them could complicate the entire process, particularly if the programs you are using are overly complicated, which could result in you spending more time mastering the software than mastering the French language.

  2. Avoid showing off. It is normal for you to tell people that you’re studying a new language, and demonstration may be in order. But demonstrating your new skill without being asked to do so may only result in being told off, and could demoralize you instead of encourage.

  3. Expose yourself to French media, such as French TV shows or movies (those with subtitles work best), French songs, and try to see if you can find a French translation of your favorite novel or book.

  4. When memorizing French verbs, nouns or adjectives, try to relate it to your daily activities. For example, while preparing a coffee, say Cafe, or Chocolat for chocolate. This works to your advantage in two ways, first is that it maximizes your time so that you are doing your daily activities while exercising your French vocabulary, and two, you are learning French while doing things that you do out of routine, which ingratiates the language into your life and makes learning less of a chore.

  5. Don’t worry about making mistakes. Don’t believe the negative stereotype that the French people are arrogant, rude, and will take every opportunity to point out your wrong grammar or accent – the truth is that the French are very polite, accommodating, and willing to help you improve your language skills.

  6. In the beginning, stick with things that relate to you or interest you. For example, if you are a movie buff instead of a bookworm, you may want to use a video tutorial instead of a written one. You should only branch out to other things to serve as supplements when you feel as though you have maximized your primary tutorial.

  7. Last but not the least, Practice. The best way to learn skills is by practicing it consistently. Don’t be content with repeating words heard on a recorder or loudly enunciating words you read in a manual…find someone who speaks French and try to start a conversation with him. Apply what you have learned and will learn in your day-to-day life and it won’t be long before you find yourself mastering your new second language.

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